Every Thursday for Technology year 7&8 and spit up into their group and head off to their Technology category for the first block,the different categories are music,art,science,cultural art and food.
I am cultural art and food technology(they are a combined category) and right now my group is doing food and we have made mussel fritters,scones,cottage pie,rewena bread and pizza.We have learn't how to knead dough properly and how to not over stir,work and cook our food.

For Cultural Art we learnt how to weave flax to make it look like a flower and also practised stripping it and cutting it,after we mastered the skill of making flowers we then made a maori kite.Two people would pair up and work on one and same with the others it took two days to finish one with team work and hard effort.After all kite were finished along with the flax flower we displayed them in our school hall.
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