I have been learning about Photosynthesis this term.My group has put two plants underneath a lamp one with a tapped plastic bag on it and one with just and plastic bag on it but still open,and we are going to see what will happens.
This is my first observation when I came back to my groups plant.
Day One Observation 13.08.12
Turns out that the plant not close up with tape died first and looks shrivelled and a little brown and the leaf taped up looks a little dry up.But if we left the taped up bag for two weeks I think that it will turn crinkled and really dry and the other leaf will probably infect the rest of the plant if not clipped off.
Taped up plant Non taped plant
Just dry Dead

It's wilting slowly and infecting it's other leaves.

Just getting more dry while other leaves mange.
Day two observation(missed)
Day three observation 15.08.12
It seems that the plant not sealed up is doing worse and is actually spreading its infection quite fast,unlike the other plant that is sealed up it just looks dry and the other leaves still look quite healthy.If the plant that’s not sealed keepon wilting is will die off maybe in two to three days time unlike the other plant it will probably last until next week.